About me

Hi, I am a third-year PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark at the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Department. I am supervised by Jes Frellsen at DTU and Wouter Boomsma at DIKU(University of Copenhagen). My research is a part of the Centre for Basic Machine Learning Research in Life Sciences.

Prior to starting this graduate program, I was a research associate at RBCDSAI, IIT Madras and before that I finished my integrated masters in ECE with a specialisation in signal processing and pattern recognition from IIIT Bangalore. During my masters, in 2019 I also spent some time in the Approximate Bayesian Inference team at RIKEN-AIP in Tokyo working under Emtiyaz Khan on scaling Bayesian natural gradient optimizers.

2024 update: I will be interning with the DGM team at SonyAI in Tokyo, Japan this summer (from June) and will work on theory of deep generative models. In October of 2024, I will head to NYC to collaborate with Rajesh Ranganath and Mark Goldstein at NYU. I am excited about spending 6 months there as part of an extended research stay.

Research Interests

I have broad interests in the field of probabilistic modelling. I am enthusiastic about problems in Bayesian deep learning related to uncertainty quantification and variational inference. I enjoy dabbling in generative modelling, structured models and their scientific applications. I usually like pondering about generalisation, distribution shifts and identifiability in deep probabilistic models. I wish I was better at differential geometry, measure theory and high-dimensional sampling.

Works that aim to quantify/estimate uncertainty, model densities, or infer underlying structures/phenomena probabilistically, intrigue me.

Feel free to reach out!(Email: ansup [at] dtu.dk )


  • [2022/11] Personal Website created.
  • [2023/04] ICML 2023 submission rejected!
  • [2023/09] NeurIPS submission accepted! My work on scaling implicit variational approximations has been accepted as a Spotlight!
  • [2023/12] Presented my work at NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans and enjoyed some exquisite live jazz.
  • [2024/3] I have been offered research internships!
  • [2024/5] I was at ICLR in Vienna, beautiful city with a lot of history, amazing conference with many good orals, the VAE paper got the test of time award!
  • [2024/5] Failed to submit to NeurIPS.
  • [2024/6] I am heading to Tokyo, will be working with the DGM team at SonyAI for a few months!